4 Intimate Wellness Tips You May Not Yet Know

on April 01, 2023


If every month you're dreading your monthly cycle or are wondering why you seem to constantly struggle with repeated vaginal infections, it may be time to take a look at your intimate health and wellness routine. Here are 4 tips to help you maintain your intimate wellness:


Create and maintain an intimate wellness routine

You take special care of the skin on your face; does your intimate skin not deserve the same TLC? From childbirth to sex to menstruation, your precious parts deserve some extra love and attention. Hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, and certain health conditions, can lead to irritation and discomfort of the delicate vaginal and vulva skin. Not to mention all the things that come in contact with this delicate skin… panties, washes/soaps, hands and fingers, a penis and toys. Your girl down there be going through it sometimes, so creating an intimate wellness routine can help keep her at her best. An intimate wellness routine can include properly cleaning the vulva with an intimate cleansing wash made with mild, pH appropriate ingredients, like our Intimate Skin Cleanser, eating foods that not only maintain your overall health, but also are known to help improve or maintain vaginal health, drinking plenty of water to remove toxins from the body and help keep the vaginal skin hydrated, and drinking herbal teas like our Women's Wellness Teas, that contain herbs known to help support vaginal and reproductive health,.


Embrace your menstrual cycle and create a good routine

A lot of people always refer to their menstrual cycle in a bad way. It’s a normal part of life and should be embraced instead of dreaded. Knowing your cycle, to include the number of days in your cycle and your ovulation window, can not only help you know when the best time is to try to conceive, when you should take extra precautions to avoid pregnancy, and when you should prepare yourself for the arrival of your period, which can prevent embarrassing accidents. Maintaining good period hygiene can also help to prevent embarrassing odors and even infections. If you choose to have pubic hair, make sure to keep it trimmed around period time to prevent dried blood from sticking to the hair, which can cause odor or worse, the dried blood and hair to stick to your pad/liner. Changing your pad or tampon regularly, around every 4 hours, can not only keep your risk of getting infection low, and also reduce your risk of BV by not allowing blood (which is alkaline) to disrupt your vaginal pH.


Let her breathe sometimes… especially at night

Although cotton underwear is a breathable fabric and helps prevent down-there moisture buildup, going panty-less every now and then helps maintain good vaginal health. Some women produce more discharge than others, and excess discharge consistently pressed up against your vulva overnight can create a moist environment that is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, putting you at risk for vaginal infections. Ditching those panties, or at least opting for cotton underwear, decreases the amount of moisture that sits up against your vulva and vagina, specifically at night. If you have a sensitive vulva, you’ll definitely want to ditch those panties at night. The tight fit and excess rubbing of your vulva may cause more irritation and discomfort.


Practice safe sex… and not just to prevent pregnancy

Although condoms can help prevent pregnancy and STDs, they also help protect your vaginal pH. The vagina is an acidic environment, and semen is alkaline… which is the opposite. When semen enter the vagina, she will increase her pH to help improve the semens’ chances of making it to the egg for conception. Yay for the semen and possibly fertilized egg… bad for the vagina, because an increase in pH can lead to vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV). So, if you’re not actively trying to get pregnant, it’s a good idea to use a condom to protect your pH.


You don't have to be uncomfortable with any part of your intimate wellness. From menstruating to pregnancy to menopause, each part of your intimate health plays a role in your overall health and wellness. 


Brooklyn is a Post-Partum/Mother-Baby and Pediatric Registered Nurse, turned stay-at-home mom, who is making it her mission to keep women informed on how their individual bodies work, so that they can be their own feminine health advocate when something is 'off' for them. All bodies are different, and women need to know that what's normal for others may not be normal for them, and vice versa. She has personally battled with vaginal and vulva dryness, medication-induced menopause, postpartum depression, and dyspareunia (painful with sex), and has gone through multiple treatments, medications, and even surgery to find relief. It started in her mid-20's which made talking to friends and family difficult, since they couldn't relate. She is focused on helping women find relief, self-advocate while navigating the healthcare system, and stop them from suffering in silence.




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