4 Things Your Mom May Not Have Told You About Your Intimate Health

on March 02, 2023


Maintaining good intimate health is essential for your overall wellbeing. When you’re feeling off down there, sometimes it may seem as if your whole world is falling apart.  Here are a few intimate health tips you may have missed out on:


What’s normal for others may be abnormal for you… and vice versa

All bodies are different… all periods are different… all pregnancies are different. How your body reacts to a certain product, procedure, person, or whatever is totally different from how someone else may react to it. There’s no right or wrong… well most times. So don’t spend so much time comparing your experiences to others’, especially when it comes to your intimate health. Cause what one person may use to clean or please their vagina may irritate or harm yours. So learn what works for you and your body and focus on that.


Create a good intimate hygiene routine.

The vagina cleans itself by maintaining the correct pH levels and ridding itself of cells and debris via vaginal discharge. The vulva, which is the outer portion that you can see, does not clean itself. The vulva is subjected to sweat, blood from your period, and bacteria, which can all cause an embarrassing and unpleasant odor. Some people say rinsing the vulva with warm water is enough to keep it clean. If you choose to use a cleanser on your vulva, choose one made with mild, non-irritating ingredients. Your delicate intimate skin can become dry and irritated from products made with artificial fragrances, dyes, harsh soaps, and detergents.


Water is your friend

The body is made up mostly of water and the most important organs are getting hydrated first... think life-sustaining, like heart, lungs, brain, and kidneys. The vagina is not high on the to-be-hydrated list, so if you’re dehydrated and not drinking enough water to go around, you're not helping to maintain your vaginal moisture.


Pee after sex

As un-sexy as it may be to hop up and run to the bathroom immediately after sex, doing so may help prevent a UTI (urinary tract infection). UTIs happen when bacteria enter your urinary tract and travel to your bladder. Since the urethra (the opening where urine comes out) is close to your vaginal opening, it’s possible that bacteria introduced during sex may find its way to the urethra, putting you at risk for a UTI. Peeing after sex can help to flush out these bacteria before they get too deep into the urethra or reach the bladder.


Your intimate health is an important part of your overall health. When you’re off down there, sometimes everything else feels off. But when you’re vagina is feeling good and healthy, you can feel a little more confident in yourself!


Brooklyn is a Post-Partum/Mother-Baby and Pediatric Registered Nurse, turned stay-at-home mom, who is making it her mission to keep women informed on how their individual bodies work, so that they can be their own feminine health advocate when something is 'off' for them. All bodies are different, and women need to know that what's normal for others may not be normal for them, and vice versa. She has personally battled with vaginal and vulva dryness, medication-induced menopause, postpartum depression, and dyspareunia (painful with sex), and has gone through multiple treatments, medications, and even surgery to find relief. It started in her mid-20's which made talking to friends and family difficult, since they couldn't relate. She is focused on helping women find relief, self-advocate while navigating the healthcare system, and stop them from suffering in silence.




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